Team Building Events


The benefits of a team building event for work include improving the three Cs:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Camaraderie

Enhancing these three team competencies then leads to additional halo benefits, including better morale, stronger motivation and a unified company culture.

IMPossible Award Champion

To qualify for the award, the staff nominates perspective champions, and a committee reviews all submittals. An individual is selected based on their dedication and passion at delivering the highest level of service to every KeySavings member, as well as his/her willingness to share his/her expertise and knowledge to help the KeySavings Bank staff grow and develop professionally. The champion receives a day off of work, their name is engraved in our honorary plaque, and they are in possession of our trophy.

2023 TEAM Bingo Bowling Competition

2023 Central Wisconsin Financial Literacy

Amy Grimm February 2023, Deb Hamel April 2023, Leah Emery March 2023 and IMPossible Award Champions (left to right)

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